Transforming businesses from obstacles to prosperity!

Thank you for taking the time to investigate what we have to offer. We created this service to assist you in making your company the very best. We differentiate ourselves from what others define as a consultant. The main difference between consulting versus counseling is preeminent in our mind.

A consultant is one that is employed or involved in giving professional advice to the public or to those practicing a profession. It is customary to offer a specific offering without regard to other parameters that may affect the ultimate outcome.

A counselor is one that is employed or involved in giving professional guidance in resolving conflicts and problems with the ultimate goal of affecting the net outcome of the whole business.

We believe this distinction is critical when you need assistance to improve the performance of your business. We have over thirty years of managing, operating, owning, and counseling experience. It is our desire to transform businesses from obstacles to prosperity.

I would request that you contact me and see what BMCS can do for you, just e-mail me at (cut and paste e-mail or web-site) or visit my web-site

Mission Statement

Mission, Vision, Founding Principle

Mission: To transform businesses from obstacles to prosperity

Vision: To be an instrument of success

Founding Principle: "Money will not make you happy, and happy will not make you money "
Groucho Marx

Core Values

STEWARDSHIP: We value the investments of all who contribute and ensure good use of their resources to achieve meaningful results.

HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS: Healthy relationships with friends, colleagues, family and God create safe, secure and thriving communities.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Learning is enhanced when we are open to opportunities that stretch our thinking and seek innovation.

RESPECT: We value and appreciate the contributions of all people and treat others with integrity.

OUTCOMES: We are accountable for excellence in our performance and measure our progress.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Art of Self Confidence

If you were able to maintain a level of self-confidence that no circumstance could shake, what would you be doing differently?  Just imagine the things you would accomplish if you were confident that you “COULD”.
This kind of confidence comes from positive self-imaging, and it is something that you can proactively build for yourself.  It doesn’t happen while you wait passively.  When you leave it up to external factors, you build your self-confidence on sandy ground.  What you need is a rock-solid foundation, and this only comes from building it from within.
Plenty has been written about building self-confidence – creating a plan, setting goals, finding the right mentor, etc. – but today we are going to take a look at seven ways that are not as widely discussed:
1.  Take chances that make you feel uncomfortable.
The moment you doubt whether you can do something, you cease forever to be able to do it.  Don’t be afraid to feel uncomfortable.  Don’t be afraid to look uneasy and a little silly in front of others.
Running around in your underwear isn’t the solution we’re talking about here, although I’m sure that would feel uncomfortable and look pretty silly.  What we are talking about is growing your inner strength and building your confidence by occasionally putting yourself in situations where you are forced to overcome new and unknown obstacles.
It’s all about your commitment to learning, adapting and growing.  Decide that your visions and goals are more important than your self-imposed limitations.  Dare to try.  Step outside of your comfort zone.  Believe you can and you’re halfway there. 
2.  Fail fast and fail often.
You must encounter many defeats to learn how to not be defeated.  Failing is a process of learning; it helps you grow and know who you are, what you can rise from, and how you can still rise after you fall.  It is this process that boosts your confidence gradually over the course of your lifetime.
You have to remember that it doesn’t matter how many times you fail or how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop taking steps forward.  In the end, those who don’t care that failure is inevitable are the ones that most often achieve success.
3.  Be wrong and be OK with it.
You don’t have to always be right, you just have to not be too worried about being wrong.
Just like occasional failures, being wrong from time to time is inevitable.  The people who take the position of always being right aren’t confident. They’re cocky.  They think they know everything and they want you to know it too.  Ironically, their need to always be right imprisons them from being able to learn from their mistakes.
To build true confidence, you have to not mind being wrong.  You have to take a stand, and then admit it if and when you realize your standpoint is wrong.  It’s a process of trial and error that helps you discover what IS right.  And finding out what is right is a lot more important than always being right.
Bottom line:  When you’re wrong, admit it and be securing enough to back down graciously, adjust and carry on. 
4.  Compliment others and help them smile.
The best part of life is not just surviving, but thriving with passion, compassion, humor, generosity and kindness, and using these tools to make the world a happier place.
When we think negatively about ourselves, we typically project these feelings on to others in the form of insults, gossip and incidental neglect.  To break this cycle of negativity, get in the habit of praising other people.  If someone looks nice, tell him or her.  If someone does a good job, applaud him or her.  Refuse to engage in backstabbing gossip and make an effort to compliment those around you.  In the process, you’ll help these people smile, which will help you feel good about yourself.
By looking for the best in others, you indirectly bring out the best in yourself!
5.  Laugh in the face of frustration.
The best medicine is a strong dose of laughter and letting go.
When things don’t go as planned, laughing or crying are often the only two options left, because they are both instinctive human responses to frustration.  Both are OK, but laughing usually feels better.
Sometimes a little self-invoked humor is all you need to lift your spirits and light the path forward.  Even in your darkest moments, strive to see the lighter side of a situation and crack a smile.  Doing so will help you think positively and reawaken your confidence about all the possibilities that still exist on the road ahead.
6.  Ignore what most people think of you.
How would your life be different if you stopped allowing people who don’t matter to poison your mind with their opinions?
Do you have 5 thousand FaceBook friends and 20 thousand followers on Twitter?  Good for you. (?)  Do you have a professional and personal social network of hundreds or even thousands?  That’s great.  Just don’t forget that this massive network of acquaintances pales in comparison to the importance of earning and maintaining the trust and respect of the few people in your life who actually matter – your close family members and real friends.  When you earn the trust and respect of these special people, no matter where you go or what you attempt to do, you will do it with a sense of confidence, because you will know the people who truly matter are truly behind you.
Now seriously, compiling a mega list of “friends” on FaceBook?  Review your list.  Count the ones that will be there no matter what happens in your life if you sincerely needed them to be at your side at 3:00 am, how many of those “friends” will climb out of bed and rush to your side? If you have a handful, amazing!  If you have one, just one, you are blessed!
Let today be the day you stand strong in the limelight of your own truth, without seeking needless external validation.  Accept no one’s definition of your life except your own, and seek approval only from the people who truly matter in your life
7.  Begin right NOW.
To resist at the beginning is always the easiest choice to make, and it’s also the only choice that guarantees you will never reach the end result you desire.
Too often we fall victim to our own waiting.  We feel we have to wait for just the right moment:  To be promoted, to be appointed, to be ready, to be somehow chosen by the powers above, as if there will suddenly be a moment when everything makes perfect sense and the road to our dreams is effortless.
But the truth is, it’s usually just a matter of thinking, “Why not me?  Why not now?”
Right now, in today’s digital, interconnected world, you have access to everything you need.  You can connect with almost anyone you need to know through social media.  You can build your own relationships and professional networks.  You can design and create your own portfolio and products.  You can use blogging and content marketing to attract attention, customers and funding. You can choose your own path – you can choose to follow whatever course you wish.
Right now, without calling attention to yourself, you can begin to make things happen.  You can take a small step forward, and then another, and grow more capable and more confident with every new step you take.

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