Transforming businesses from obstacles to prosperity!

Thank you for taking the time to investigate what we have to offer. We created this service to assist you in making your company the very best. We differentiate ourselves from what others define as a consultant. The main difference between consulting versus counseling is preeminent in our mind.

A consultant is one that is employed or involved in giving professional advice to the public or to those practicing a profession. It is customary to offer a specific offering without regard to other parameters that may affect the ultimate outcome.

A counselor is one that is employed or involved in giving professional guidance in resolving conflicts and problems with the ultimate goal of affecting the net outcome of the whole business.

We believe this distinction is critical when you need assistance to improve the performance of your business. We have over thirty years of managing, operating, owning, and counseling experience. It is our desire to transform businesses from obstacles to prosperity.

I would request that you contact me and see what BMCS can do for you, just e-mail me at (cut and paste e-mail or web-site) or visit my web-site

Mission Statement

Mission, Vision, Founding Principle

Mission: To transform businesses from obstacles to prosperity

Vision: To be an instrument of success

Founding Principle: "Money will not make you happy, and happy will not make you money "
Groucho Marx

Core Values

STEWARDSHIP: We value the investments of all who contribute and ensure good use of their resources to achieve meaningful results.

HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS: Healthy relationships with friends, colleagues, family and God create safe, secure and thriving communities.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Learning is enhanced when we are open to opportunities that stretch our thinking and seek innovation.

RESPECT: We value and appreciate the contributions of all people and treat others with integrity.

OUTCOMES: We are accountable for excellence in our performance and measure our progress.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Detroit: A lesson for all of us!

Two of America’s major cities have been hit with major disasters in recent years: New Orleans and Detroit.
One was hit by nature, the other, by human character.
Our friends in the Crescent City were given only a few days’ notice before Katrina struck. Our friends in the Motor City have seen their financial storm coming for years.
Yet – odd as it seems, for as poorly as things went in New Orleans – folks there actually prepared better than in Detroit.
Last week, after decades of decline, denial, division and decadence, Detroit filed for bankruptcy – the largest municipality in the country to do so.
Now, bankruptcy is not in itself a disgrace. The question is what caused it and whether any learning has gone on.
In Detroit’s case, we’re afraid the answers are not encouraging.
Even as American automobile manufacturers were outmaneuvered and outdated, the city that depended on the industry so heavily failed to adjust properly. Just like the auto industry, Detroit is now shackled to fat union pensions and other unfunded liabilities adding up to $20 billion – the bill for decades of unrealistic promises to unions and retirees.
Corruption and negligence helped make the math even worse. Today, the city that was once America’s fourth largest has bled over 60 percent of its population. As one report noted, it’s as if the entire population of Dallas, Texas, had up and moved out of Detroit.
If Detroit were a nation, it might be considered Third World. Besides the crushing debt, there are nearly 80,000 abandoned houses – and a report a couple years ago said 47 percent of the population there is “functionally illiterate.” It’s said that 40 percent of the streetlights are dark. The official unemployment rate is some 16 percent, double the nation’s – and truth be known, that’s probably understating the case.
In 2012, Detroit topped the list of America’s most dangerous cities for the fourth year in a row, with a violent crime rate five times the national average.
“Almost a third of the city’s 140 square miles is vacant or derelict,” London’s Daily Mail wrote in 2011.
A recent conference was titled “Are We Rome?” – as in, is America in danger of collapsing?
Well, look at Detroit for a clue.
“What the average Detroiter needs to understand is that where we are right now is a culmination of years and years and years of kicking the can down the road,” city Emergency Manager Kevin Orr said recently.
The same could be said about the country as a whole. The federal government is doing the same thing as Detroit – with $17 trillion in actual debt and likely over $100 trillion in unfunded future liabilities – while The Pew Center for the States reports that public pension plans were underfunded by $1.4 trillion in 2010. All told, states are said to have unfunded liabilities of over $3 trillion.
Detroit may just be ahead of the dead-man’s curve much of America is on.
But boy, is it ahead of the curve.
“Detroit earned its bankruptcy the easy way – through greed, the desire for political power and poor planning,” writes Douglas A. McIntyre, a financial editor and child of Detroit.
There are two cautionary tales for the rest of America.
One: stop doing what led to Detroit’s collapse.
Two: Don’t even think of bailing out such irresponsible cities and states.

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