Transforming businesses from obstacles to prosperity!

Thank you for taking the time to investigate what we have to offer. We created this service to assist you in making your company the very best. We differentiate ourselves from what others define as a consultant. The main difference between consulting versus counseling is preeminent in our mind.

A consultant is one that is employed or involved in giving professional advice to the public or to those practicing a profession. It is customary to offer a specific offering without regard to other parameters that may affect the ultimate outcome.

A counselor is one that is employed or involved in giving professional guidance in resolving conflicts and problems with the ultimate goal of affecting the net outcome of the whole business.

We believe this distinction is critical when you need assistance to improve the performance of your business. We have over thirty years of managing, operating, owning, and counseling experience. It is our desire to transform businesses from obstacles to prosperity.

I would request that you contact me and see what BMCS can do for you, just e-mail me at (cut and paste e-mail or web-site) or visit my web-site

Mission Statement

Mission, Vision, Founding Principle

Mission: To transform businesses from obstacles to prosperity

Vision: To be an instrument of success

Founding Principle: "Money will not make you happy, and happy will not make you money "
Groucho Marx

Core Values

STEWARDSHIP: We value the investments of all who contribute and ensure good use of their resources to achieve meaningful results.

HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS: Healthy relationships with friends, colleagues, family and God create safe, secure and thriving communities.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Learning is enhanced when we are open to opportunities that stretch our thinking and seek innovation.

RESPECT: We value and appreciate the contributions of all people and treat others with integrity.

OUTCOMES: We are accountable for excellence in our performance and measure our progress.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sales Strategies For Uncertain Times

I’m not sure that a double dip recession is really in the cards, but that doesn’t mean that the fear of it isn’t impacting buying behavior.  Here’s some advice, based upon conversations with numerous sales experts and top sales managers, that can help you sell more, even when your customers are hunkering down and waiting to see what happens:
Cultivate Your Inner Sales Guru.
You may be worried about the economy, but you can’t let worries rule your thoughts and actions.  Rather than focusing on the economy, act as if you’re starting a new sales job that presents some interesting challenges to overcome.  Remember: even during the worst of times, some people end up winning.  Make sure it’s you.

Reaffirm Your Company’s Viability.
Take a good, hard, realistic look at your company.  Is it still in good shape?  Are its offerings worthwhile?  Do you add value to your customers?  Would YOU want to do business with your company?  If the answer is no, find a job somewhere else. But if your company is basically sound, there’s no reason for you not to go out there and sell with confidence.
Re-craft Your Corporate Message.
Figure out how you’re going to communicate the value of your company in a way that the customer will understand and believe you. Show the customer enough detail of your corporate financials so that they know, beyond all doubt, that your company is going to be there to help them in the future.  Make buying from you a safe bet, no matter what happens.
Retune Your Solution Message.
What’s works during times of uncertainty are messages of low risk (protection, security, stability and cost savings).  However, you needn’t be glum. People want some positive messages, too, so add those into the mix. Show how your offering helps position the customer for future growth, and how your offering helps THEIR customers.
Expand Your Pricing Options.
Work with your CFO or other financial gurus on alternative financing plans, delayed payments, subscription fees, discounts, whatever… Many small businesses continue to have cash flow problems, so you want walk into EVERY sales situation with a bag of tricks that will allow them to buy from you.
Prioritize Your Opportunities.
Run though your entire list of leads and opportunities and, based upon what you know and can learn with some research, prioritize your opportunities.  Lower the priority of long-term “strategic” opportunities and raise the priority on the customer who are most likely to buy, regardless of what happens to the economy.
Tighten Your Lead Qualification.
Each time you get in contact with a prospect, confirm that they are a real opportunity early in the sales cycle.  Then use the flexibility of your financial options to determine the payment plan or method that will both make it easy for them to say, “YES!”  Do this religiously and, as a bonus, you’ll spend far less time following up on dead leads.
Focus on the Right Numbers.
Set up an ambitious schedule of working through the steps of your sales process, then follow it.  A sales process forces you to focus on the mechanics of selling rather than your concerns about closing business.  The regularity of selling is a great way to get a sense of accomplishment, even if your “hit” rate is lower than it used to be.
Become a Thought Leader.
It might be a bit harder to make the deals than it was when times where good.  So what?  If you’re doing everything above, you’ll be outselling the competition.  There’s a saying that true leadership consists of being able to remain calm no matter what.  This is a good time for YOU to remain calm and make the best of the situation.
Enjoy What You Do.
When things are difficult, you need to give yourself credit and lots of it, simply for plugging away.  Your challenge is to enjoy yourself and your job, even though times are tough.  So DECIDE to feel good.  If you’ve got the emotional moxie to stay calm when everyone else is creeping out, this could be the most successful years in your career.

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